i personally can think of no better way to profess my love than with that random minutiae of a night of Dr. Fact, but given that most people probably have different romantic ideals a move to Wednesday is probably necessary.
Keep it on Monday. You could make it "single people only." Maybe even "every man for himself," with no teams. A tribute to loneliness. I'll have nothing better to do that night, might as well try to win some money.
move it to wednesday
i personally can think of no better way to profess my love than with that random minutiae of a night of Dr. Fact, but given that most people probably have different romantic ideals a move to Wednesday is probably necessary.
Why give in to the fake Hallmark holiday? What better way to voice your objection than to play trivia?!
Screw Valentine's Day! Keep it on Monday
Keep it on Monday. You could make it "single people only." Maybe even "every man for himself," with no teams. A tribute to loneliness. I'll have nothing better to do that night, might as well try to win some money.
thanks for the infomation
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